
Customer Experience Snapshot

oCX Score

The oCX (Observational Experience) score is a metric that evaluates customer experience without using traditional surveys. It leverages AI to analyze unsolicited text comments from social media, review sites, and other online platforms, predicting customer sentiment and likelihood of recommendation on a scale of 0 to 10.


Positive Sentiment Rate

Customers highly appreciate the Sephora app for its user-friendly interface, extensive range of products, and the numerous benefits such as discounts, free samples, and birthday gifts. Many prefer shopping through the app over in-store due to the convenience and additional perks. Some users mentioned the app’s personalized recommendations and virtual try-ons as standout features.


Negative Sentiment Rate

Users are extremely frustrated with the app’s performance and usability. Many report constant glitches, error messages, and frequent log-in prompts that make the app nearly unusable. The recent updates have exacerbated these issues, with users unable to add items to their cart, view products, or even log in without repeated errors. The persistent credit card pop-ups and the need to frequently reinstall the app have led many to abandon it altogether.

oCX for Each Topic

  • Ease of Use (-52)
  • Service Quality (-26)
  • Product Quality (43)
  • Delivery Time (-18)
  • Delivery Process (-59)
  • Product Price (-3)
The statistics and information provided on this page offer a general overview. For more detailed insights and statistics on specific subcategories, we invite you to download the comprehensive report.

Customer Reviews

Topic: Delivery Time

Very slow delivery. My order was supposed to be delivered on Tuesday and again today by 12.30pm. Can’t talk to anyone and they ask that you don’t even contact until 10 days after the order is placed. I think there are better companies out there. It’s just a bulk retailer that does not care about individual orders

Rating: 1/5

Topic: Ease of Use

The app is nearly unusable. It constantly gives the pop up prompting you to sign in. Please fix it.

Rating: 1/5

Topic: Product Quality

Great products!!
Rating: 5/5