
Explore the latest insights through articles, webinars, and best practices.

The AI Revolution in CX: Utilizing a CX Platform

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming industries across the globe, and the customer experience (CX) industry is no exception. As AI technology becomes more sophisticated, it offers unparalleled opportunities for businesses to enhance their customer interactions and streamline operations. A robust CX Platform is essential for leveraging these AI advancements to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

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Unveiling Customer Insights with Customer Experience Analytics

Understanding your customers is crucial for creating exceptional experiences and driving business success. By harnessing the power of Customer Experience Analytics, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and needs. These insights are essential for tailoring products, services, and interactions to meet and exceed customer expectations.

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Utilizing CX Software to Analyze Social Media Comments

Social media has become an integral part of modern business communication, providing a direct channel for customer interaction. Among the various forms of customer feedback, social media comments are particularly valuable for understanding customer sentiment and behavior. Utilizing CX software to analyze and manage these comments can significantly enhance the customer experience and inform business strategies.

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Mastering Crisis Management with a CX Platform

Crisis management is a critical aspect of maintaining a strong and resilient business, especially in a world where customer expectations are constantly evolving. A well-implemented Customer Experience (CX) Platform can be a vital tool in managing crises effectively, helping businesses not only navigate challenges but also emerge stronger. Here’s how a CX Platform can be instrumental in crisis management:

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CX Software: Your Path to Customer Centricity

Customer centricity is the heart of a successful business strategy. It means placing the customer at the center of all decisions and processes. With the right CX software, businesses can transform their approach to customer centricity, ensuring that every interaction adds value and strengthens the relationship with their customers. Let’s explore how CX software can facilitate a customer-centric approach and drive business success.

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Emotion Analysis: A Key Component of a Modern CX Platform

Emotion analysis has become an essential component for businesses aiming to understand their customers better and provide exceptional experiences. By leveraging a robust CX Platform, companies can tap into the power of emotion analysis to gain deeper insights into customer sentiments and behaviors, ultimately driving satisfaction and loyalty.

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Mitigating Business Risks with Customer Experience Analytics

Effective risk management is critical for any business aiming to maintain stability and ensure long-term success. One essential tool in the arsenal of modern risk management is Customer Experience Analytics. By leveraging these insights, companies can proactively identify potential risks, address issues before they escalate, and build stronger relationships with their customers.

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Unlocking the Power of Social Media with CX Software

Social media has become an essential part of the customer experience landscape. With billions of active users across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, businesses have an unprecedented opportunity to engage with their customers, gather valuable feedback, and enhance their customer experience (CX) strategies. Using advanced CX software, companies can effectively harness the power of social media to improve their overall customer experience.

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How AI Summarization Boosts Your CX Platform’s Effectiveness

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way businesses operate, particularly in the realm of customer experience (CX). One of the most impactful applications of AI in this area is the ability to summarize customer reviews. By integrating AI summary capabilities into your CX platform, you can unlock valuable insights, streamline decision-making, and enhance customer satisfaction.

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Designing Customer Journeys with Customer Experience Analytics

Creating an exceptional customer journey design is essential for businesses aiming to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. By leveraging Customer Experience Analytics, companies can gain valuable insights into each touchpoint of the customer journey, enabling them to design experiences that meet and exceed customer expectations.

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Harnessing the Power of Text Analytics with a CX Platform

Text analytics has become an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to enhance their customer experience strategies. By leveraging the capabilities of a robust CX platform, companies can transform unstructured textual data into valuable insights, driving informed decision-making and improving customer satisfaction.

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Enhancing Digital Experience with Customer Experience Analytics

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and businesses must continually adapt to meet customer expectations. As digital channels become increasingly integral to customer interactions, the quality of digital experience can significantly impact overall customer satisfaction and loyalty. Leveraging Customer Experience Analytics (CXA) can provide valuable insights that help businesses optimize their digital presence and enhance the customer journey.

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Reducing Customer Churn with CX Software

Customer churn is a significant concern for businesses across all industries. Retaining existing customers is often more cost-effective than acquiring new ones, making churn reduction a critical focus for sustainable growth. One of the most effective tools for addressing this challenge is Customer Experience (CX) software. By leveraging CX software, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, identify pain points, and implement strategies to improve satisfaction and loyalty.

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How a CX Platform Can Enhance Customer Intelligence

Customer experience (CX) is more critical than ever, and businesses are constantly seeking ways to improve it. One of the most effective strategies to achieve this is by leveraging a CX platform that offers unified customer intelligence. This approach brings together data from various touchpoints, providing a comprehensive view of the customer journey and enabling actionable insights.

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Mastering Customer Experience Analytics Through Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a powerful method used to identify the underlying reasons for problems and issues within an organization. When applied to customer experience analytics, RCA can help businesses pinpoint the fundamental causes of customer dissatisfaction and develop strategies to enhance overall customer satisfaction. By integrating RCA with customer experience analytics, companies can transform data into actionable insights, leading to more effective solutions and improved customer experiences.

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Enhancing Employee Engagement with a CX Platform

Employee engagement is crucial for any organization aiming to deliver exceptional customer experiences. Engaged employees are more productive, provide better service, and contribute to a positive work environment. A robust CX platform can play a pivotal role in enhancing employee engagement, leading to improved customer satisfaction and business outcomes.

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Continuous Improvement in Customer Experience: The Role of CX Software

Continuous improvement is a vital concept for any business aiming to stay competitive and meet evolving customer expectations. This process involves constantly seeking ways to enhance products, services, and overall customer interactions. One of the most effective tools for driving continuous improvement in customer experience is CX software. This blog post explores how CX software can facilitate ongoing enhancements and help businesses deliver exceptional customer experiences.

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Top Metrics to Track in Customer Experience Analytics

Customer experience analytics is essential for understanding how customers interact with your brand and how to improve their overall experience. By tracking specific metrics, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and pain points. Here are the top metrics to track in customer experience analytics to enhance your customer service and boost satisfaction.

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Why Your Business Needs a CX Platform in a Digital-First World

The digital transformation has revolutionized how businesses interact with their customers. With the shift towards online interactions, ensuring a seamless and engaging customer experience has become more critical than ever. This is where a CX platform comes into play, providing businesses with the tools and insights needed to manage and enhance customer interactions across various digital channels.

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How CX Software Supports Proactive Customer Service

Proactive customer service has become a critical component for businesses aiming to provide exceptional customer experiences. Instead of merely reacting to customer issues, companies are now anticipating needs and addressing them before they escalate. One of the most powerful tools enabling this shift is CX software. This blog post explores how CX software supports proactive customer service, transforming the way businesses interact with their customers.

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Transforming Customer Journeys with Customer Experience Analytics

Customer journey maps are essential tools for understanding the various touchpoints and experiences a customer has with a brand. By leveraging customer experience analytics, businesses can gain deeper insights into these interactions and identify areas for improvement. This blog post will guide you through the process of analyzing customer journey maps using customer experience analytics to enhance your customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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Evaluating Grocery Delivery Apps: An In-Depth Customer Experience Analysis

Grocery delivery services have become an indispensable part of our daily lives, driven by the growing need for convenience. In this blog, we explore the user experience of the top nine grocery delivery apps: Thrive Market, Publix, Shipt, Instacart, Gopuff, Weee, Wegmans, PC Express, and FreshDirect. Within this analysis, we examined over 20,000 customer reviews from the App Store and Google Play, focusing on overall user experience as measured by oCX, app usability, service quality, and product quality.

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How to Train Your Team on Using a CX Platform Effectively

Implementing a CX platform can significantly enhance your customer experience strategy, but its success largely depends on how well your team understands and utilizes it. Effective training is crucial to ensure that your team can leverage the full potential of the CX platform. Here’s how to train your team effectively:

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Visualizing Customer Experience Analytics

In the competitive business landscape, leveraging every available tool is crucial for differentiation and success. One of the most vital tools in this pursuit is Customer Experience Analytics. This approach offers deep insights into customer behavior, preferences, and feedback, providing businesses with invaluable strategic guidance. Yet, the challenge lies in the vast amount of data generated. Transforming this data into visual formats presents a solution, enabling businesses to enhance understanding and actionable decision-making.

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CX Software vs. Traditional CRM: What’s the Difference?

In today’s business landscape, delivering exceptional customer experience (CX) is paramount. Companies are increasingly turning to CX software to meet the evolving needs of their customers. But how does CX software differ from traditional Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems? Let’s examine the key distinctions and understand why CX software is becoming a critical tool for businesses.

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Customer Experience Analytics: Turning Data into Insights

In today’s competitive marketplace, understanding and improving customer experience (CX) is paramount for businesses. One of the most powerful tools at their disposal is Customer Experience Analytics. This process involves collecting and analyzing data from customer interactions to derive actionable insights that can enhance CX strategies. But how does one turn raw customer data into actionable insights? Let’s explore the steps involved in this transformative process.

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Customer Sentiment Analysis: Quick Service Restaurants

Customer retention is a critical factor for sustained business growth. It’s well-known that retaining an existing customer is more cost-effective than acquiring a new one. However, understanding how to keep customers coming back requires a deep understanding of their experiences and behaviors. This is where Customer Experience Analytics (CXA) comes into play.

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Improving Product Development with Customer Feedback Software

Product development is a critical aspect of business growth and success. To stay competitive, companies must continuously innovate and refine their products. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by leveraging Customer Feedback Software. This powerful tool provides valuable insights directly from customers, helping businesses make informed decisions that drive product improvement

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How Customer Experience Analytics Boosts Customer Retention

Customer retention is a critical factor for sustained business growth. It’s well-known that retaining an existing customer is more cost-effective than acquiring a new one. However, understanding how to keep customers coming back requires a deep understanding of their experiences and behaviors. This is where Customer Experience Analytics (CXA) comes into play.

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The Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investing in a CX Software

In today’s competitive business landscape, delivering exceptional customer experiences is crucial for long-term success. As customer expectations continue to rise, companies are turning to Customer Experience (CX) software to gain a competitive edge. However, investing in CX software requires careful consideration of costs and benefits. In this blog post, we’ll explore the cost-benefit analysis of investing in CX software, helping you make an informed decision for your business.

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The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Customer Experience Analytics

In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses must prioritize exceptional customer experiences to stay competitive. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through customer experience analytics. By leveraging the power of AI and machine learning, companies can gain deeper insights into customer behavior, predict trends, and tailor their strategies to meet customer needs more effectively. AI and machine learning are rapidly gaining traction across various industries, and customer experience (CX) is no exception.

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Why Do Leading Food Delivery Apps Outperform Their Competitors?

Exploring beyond the surface of oCX leaderboards, we conduct a comprehensive data analysis to decipher the core elements defining a superior food delivery experience. Drawing insights from our machine learning-based examination of over 100,000 user reviews, our aim is to empower food delivery apps to refine their offerings, address user pain points, and elevate overall customer satisfaction in the realm of food delivery. This analysis is based on our newly released Food Delivery oCX Report Spring 2024, providing fresh and actionable insights for the industry.

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Using CX Software to Humanize Customer Interactions

In today’s digital landscape, where customer expectations are at an all-time high, businesses must prioritize empathy in their interactions. Empathy is the cornerstone of exceptional customer experiences, fostering trust, loyalty, and satisfaction. However, as businesses grow and customer bases expand, maintaining a personal touch can become increasingly challenging. This is where CX (Customer Experience) software emerges as a game-changer, empowering organizations to scale empathy effectively.

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Customer Experience Analytics and Data Privacy

In the digital era, where data is often referred to as the new oil, customer experience analytics play a crucial role in shaping business strategies. However, as the volume of data collected by businesses increases, so does the concern over privacy. Data privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the U.S. have set new benchmarks for data management. In 2024, understanding the impact of these regulations on customer experience analytics is vital for businesses aiming to comply with legal standards while still gaining valuable insights from their data.

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Customer Feedback Software: 5 Use Cases for Retail Companies

In an increasingly competitive retail landscape, leveraging customer feedback is not just an option—it’s a necessity. Customer Feedback Software (CFS) has emerged as a pivotal tool for retailers aiming to enhance customer experiences and refine their business strategies. As we navigate through 2024, the integration of AI technologies has further amplified the capabilities of these platforms, making them more insightful and action-oriented. Here are the top five use cases for Customer Feedback Software we have experienced in Alterna CX customers.

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Three Ways to Boost Customer Retention with a CX Platform

The 21st century introduced us to “individual-oriented” opportunities to make such choices comfortably. If I don’t like Netflix, I’ll try HBO Max. If not satisfied, I can switch to Disney+. Being able to do this so quickly is a great convenience for the consumer, but it is also a big problem for companies. Now, companies have to take more care in formulating their customer retention strategies using a CX platform. Whatever product or services they market, companies should prioritize efforts to improve customer retention rate. When firms serve their customers at the right time and right pace, that positive experience on a CX platform helps to increase customer loyalty and retention. Emotions, intents, or preferences can change so easily.

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oCX: The Missing Piece in Your CX Puzzle

In the realm of customer experience (CX) evaluation, metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), and Customer Effort Score (CES) have long been the cornerstone of understanding customer sentiment. However, as the landscape evolves and the volume of unstructured data grows exponentially, there’s a rising star on the horizon: Observational Customer Experience (oCX) metric.

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Social Media Sentiment Analysis: Boosting Engagement Strategies

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, understanding customer sentiment has become increasingly crucial for businesses striving to deliver exceptional customer experiences. Traditional methods of gathering feedback, such as surveys and reviews, offer valuable insights but often fall short in capturing the nuanced emotions behind customer responses. Enter AI-powered sentiment analysis—a game-changer in the realm of customer feedback software.

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AI’s Sentiment Analysis: Enhancing Customer Feedback Software

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, understanding customer sentiment has become increasingly crucial for businesses striving to deliver exceptional customer experiences. Traditional methods of gathering feedback, such as surveys and reviews, offer valuable insights but often fall short in capturing the nuanced emotions behind customer responses. Enter AI-powered sentiment analysis—a game-changer in the realm of customer feedback software.

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Beyond Metrics: The Impact of Customer Experience Analytics

As businesses strive to provide exceptional customer experiences, they often rely on score-based metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), Customer Effort Score (CES), or more recently, Observational Customer Experience (oCX) to measure customer experience. While these metrics provide valuable insights, they may not always encapsulate the entirety of the customer journey.

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Key Elements of a Superior Digital Banking Experience

In the fast-paced world of fintech, the competition among digital banking apps is fierce. Recently, our team released a comprehensive report titled “Consumer Perspectives: Best Fintech Apps,” shedding light on the stark differences between the top-performing US-based digital banking apps and their underperforming counterparts. Today, we delve deeper into the analysis to uncover the underlying reasons why some apps outshine the rest, drawing primarily from data sourced from Google Play Store with limited insights from the App Store.

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Super Bowl Seat Scramble: SeatGeek vs. Ticketmaster vs. TickPick

As the excitement builds for the upcoming Super Bowl, the search for the perfect ticket platform becomes paramount for fans eager to secure their seats. In a sea of options, three major players stand out: SeatGeek, Ticketmaster, and TickPick. As a leading CX software company dedicated to enhancing customer experiences, we recognize the importance of thorough research in making informed decisions.

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Optimizing Returns: Driver Simulation for CX ROI

In our recent exploration of “The ROI of Customer Experience,” we navigated the challenges of short-termism in today’s corporate landscape. Building on the momentum from last week, this week’s blog post dives deeper into the practicalities of measuring and proving the financial impact of CX initiatives.

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2023 oCX Leaders

In today’s business landscape, ‘short-termism’—the focus on immediate financial results—dominates corporate strategy, often at the cost of long-term planning and sustainable growth. This trend poses a significant challenge for C-Suite executives, who face pressure to deliver quick financial returns, potentially compromising product quality and service. This article explores the critical intersection of short-termism and Customer Experience (CX), highlighting the need for CX professionals to demonstrate the long-term financial benefits of customer-centric strategies. Understanding this balance is essential for aligning immediate actions with the enduring health and loyalty of the organization.

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Shopee vs Lazada: What to expect in 2024?

Shopping on Lazada and Shopee: What to expect in 2024?   In our series of marketplace platform analyses, we previously delved into the dynamics of eBay versus Rakuten and Amazon versus Etsy. Now, turning our focus to Southeast Asia, we scrutinize the customer...

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eBay vs Rakuten: Holiday Shopping Analysis

Embark on an exploration of Rakuten versus eBay in the online marketplace arena. Discover Rakuten’s innovative rewards system and diverse merchant network, challenging eBay’s traditional auction model. Dive into the unique appeal of each platform and unlock secrets to maximizing your shopping experience.

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Introducing oCX, the New, AI-Generated CX Metric

Whenever a company is seeking to evaluate the quality of its customer experience, nothing is more important than the opinions of the customers who actually have the experience. This is why virtually all metrics designed to measure CX quality today are derived from surveys administered directly to customers.

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Customer Experience Metric Selection

The first step before deep diving into customer experience metric selection is to understand the main areas to address when measuring CX. Then we share some of the often used metrics in customer perception of the quality of experience.

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The One with the 1% Diamond Insight

Alterna CX Co-Founder and CEO, Gürol Kurt, recently joined the “CX Passport” podcast series and talked about “The one with the 1% diamond insight”. The program is hosted by Rick Denton, who leads a show about creating great customer experiences, with a dash of travel...

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Decoding The Customer

Loads of valuable signals can tell a company what a customer feels about their customer experience, or the extent to which the customer has been highly successful with the company’s product or service, or even how efficient the company’s website is in providing information and access.

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How CX Priorities Differ Across the Atlantic

We discussed how CX in Central Europe differs from the US.Listen NowListen Now Alterna CX Co-Founder and CEO, Gürol Kurt, has recently joined the “Talking CX - CX Around the World” podcast series. The program is hosted by Robin Miller and Graham Clark, who lead...

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Leveraging Internal Communication for Better CX

We already know that good CX quality and customer loyalty drive successful business growth. What most firms overlook is that they should prioritize the “people factor” since employees work hard to provide high-quality customer experience. The impact of employee...

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10 Simple Steps to Boost Employee Engagement

How Can We Improve Employee Engagement? This is one of the most asked questions about employees on Google. Let's have some background information about this fact. COVID-19 has emotionally exhausted many workers. The term “great resignation,” which refers to the high...

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Employee Experience: The “EX” Factor

The Ex Factor: Employee Experience as One of Customer Experience Milestones A company can see its definition as a “customer-centric company” as its proudest achievement today. This is only possible with customer-focused employees. The equation is simple: Happy...

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The key piece of the puzzle: Change management

In many customer experience research, expert interviews and case studies, we often see how important the concept of change management is for CX. There is no doubt that change management should be handled in a structured way for the customer experience program to...

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Customer-Centric Organization

How to Become a Customer-Centric Organization Customer centricity is a way of doing business and a way of thinking that focuses on customer needs and is committed to creating a great customer experience.  The goal of a customer-centric organization is to provide...

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Experience Design: Designing the moments that matter

Experience Design: Understand and Visualize the Moments of Truth Design thinking, experience design or service design. Sometimes our playing field seems to be dominated by jargon. These are fairly similar terms, but what do they actually mean—and why is it worth...

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Creating a Voice of Customer Program

What is Voice of Customer? Simply put, Voice of Customer (VoC) is the process of collecting customer feedback about a business, its products and services. Many companies believe that collecting customer feedback through surveys is the meaning of a VoC program. In...

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Customer Loyalty: Five Steps to Become a Loyalty Leader

Customer and Brand Loyalty For the fifth year in a row, Amazon has been listed as the loyalty leader in the U.S.A. according to Brand Key’s annual loyalty rankings. The New York-based brand loyalty and customer engagement research consultancy examined 1,260 brands in...

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Happy CX Day!

Insights from experience professionals themselves across industries about their most significant learnings from 2020 and their expectations for 2021 regarding customer expectations and CX efforts

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The Future of Retail and Customer Experience

Yenal Gökyıldırım, CEO of MediaMarkt Turkey, talked about how the company adapted to the uncertainties and shared his view of the future of retail and customer experience. In our latest recording, Çağlar Göğüş, CEO of Doğan Holding, our moderator for this recording, asked critical questions to unveil the underlying reasons for MediaMarkt’s success.

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Making insight generation a habit

Aras Bilgen, a distinguished guest and an expert on human centric design with global industry experience. He is also a scholar and an author. We talked about how to make insight generation a habit

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Keep Calm and Invest in Digital

In our expert opinion podcast, Corey User, Partner at Wipro Digital, shared his insights on the short and long term effects of Covid-19 on the financial institutions and why listening to the voice of the customer in unprecedented times is crucial.

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The AI Revolution in CX: Utilizing a CX Platform

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming industries across the globe, and the customer experience (CX) industry is no exception. As AI technology becomes more sophisticated, it offers unparalleled opportunities for businesses to enhance their customer interactions and streamline operations. A robust CX Platform is essential for leveraging these AI advancements to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

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Unveiling Customer Insights with Customer Experience Analytics

Understanding your customers is crucial for creating exceptional experiences and driving business success. By harnessing the power of Customer Experience Analytics, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and needs. These insights are essential for tailoring products, services, and interactions to meet and exceed customer expectations.

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Utilizing CX Software to Analyze Social Media Comments

Social media has become an integral part of modern business communication, providing a direct channel for customer interaction. Among the various forms of customer feedback, social media comments are particularly valuable for understanding customer sentiment and behavior. Utilizing CX software to analyze and manage these comments can significantly enhance the customer experience and inform business strategies.

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Mastering Crisis Management with a CX Platform

Crisis management is a critical aspect of maintaining a strong and resilient business, especially in a world where customer expectations are constantly evolving. A well-implemented Customer Experience (CX) Platform can be a vital tool in managing crises effectively, helping businesses not only navigate challenges but also emerge stronger. Here’s how a CX Platform can be instrumental in crisis management:

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CX Software: Your Path to Customer Centricity

Customer centricity is the heart of a successful business strategy. It means placing the customer at the center of all decisions and processes. With the right CX software, businesses can transform their approach to customer centricity, ensuring that every interaction adds value and strengthens the relationship with their customers. Let’s explore how CX software can facilitate a customer-centric approach and drive business success.

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Emotion Analysis: A Key Component of a Modern CX Platform

Emotion analysis has become an essential component for businesses aiming to understand their customers better and provide exceptional experiences. By leveraging a robust CX Platform, companies can tap into the power of emotion analysis to gain deeper insights into customer sentiments and behaviors, ultimately driving satisfaction and loyalty.

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Mitigating Business Risks with Customer Experience Analytics

Effective risk management is critical for any business aiming to maintain stability and ensure long-term success. One essential tool in the arsenal of modern risk management is Customer Experience Analytics. By leveraging these insights, companies can proactively identify potential risks, address issues before they escalate, and build stronger relationships with their customers.

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Unlocking the Power of Social Media with CX Software

Social media has become an essential part of the customer experience landscape. With billions of active users across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, businesses have an unprecedented opportunity to engage with their customers, gather valuable feedback, and enhance their customer experience (CX) strategies. Using advanced CX software, companies can effectively harness the power of social media to improve their overall customer experience.

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How AI Summarization Boosts Your CX Platform’s Effectiveness

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way businesses operate, particularly in the realm of customer experience (CX). One of the most impactful applications of AI in this area is the ability to summarize customer reviews. By integrating AI summary capabilities into your CX platform, you can unlock valuable insights, streamline decision-making, and enhance customer satisfaction.

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Decoding The Customer

Loads of valuable signals can tell a company what a customer feels about their customer experience, or the extent to which the customer has been highly successful with the company’s product or service, or even how efficient the company’s website is in providing information and access.

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The Future of Retail and Customer Experience

Yenal Gökyıldırım, CEO of MediaMarkt Turkey, talked about how the company adapted to the uncertainties and shared his view of the future of retail and customer experience. In our latest recording, Çağlar Göğüş, CEO of Doğan Holding, our moderator for this recording, asked critical questions to unveil the underlying reasons for MediaMarkt’s success.

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The One with the 1% Diamond Insight

Alterna CX Co-Founder and CEO, Gürol Kurt, recently joined the “CX Passport” podcast series and talked about “The one with the 1% diamond insight”. The program is hosted by Rick Denton, who leads a show about creating great customer experiences, with a dash of travel...

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How CX Priorities Differ Across the Atlantic

We discussed how CX in Central Europe differs from the US.Listen NowListen Now Alterna CX Co-Founder and CEO, Gürol Kurt, has recently joined the “Talking CX - CX Around the World” podcast series. The program is hosted by Robin Miller and Graham Clark, who lead...

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Making insight generation a habit

Aras Bilgen, a distinguished guest and an expert on human centric design with global industry experience. He is also a scholar and an author. We talked about how to make insight generation a habit

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Keep Calm and Invest in Digital

In our expert opinion podcast, Corey User, Partner at Wipro Digital, shared his insights on the short and long term effects of Covid-19 on the financial institutions and why listening to the voice of the customer in unprecedented times is crucial.

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Food Delivery oCX Report Summer 2023

Food Delivery oCX Report

Summer 2023

This report offers an AI-based analysis of 350,000 customer reviews from 2023, covering the top 80 brands worldwide, including DoorDash, Uber Eats, Just Eat, and Grab. It introduces the Observational Customer Experience (oCX) score, an objective metric to quantify customer reviews. The report features leaderboards across service quality, ease of use, and delivery time, and explores cultural and local trends in food delivery experiences in North America, Europe, and Asia.

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Seeing is believing

Learn how to apply AI to analyze all the various CX ”signals” generated by your customers via surveys, text, complaints, social media, and other interactions. Discover how to quickly identify and flag the most important problems and opportunities, and then better prioritize your investments.