
Customer Experience Snapshot

oCX Score

The oCX (Observational Experience) score is a metric that evaluates customer experience without using traditional surveys. It leverages AI to analyze unsolicited text comments from social media, review sites, and other online platforms, predicting customer sentiment and likelihood of recommendation on a scale of 0 to 10.


Positive Sentiment Rate

Customers are highly satisfied with the punctuality and quality of work provided. They commend the service providers for being on time, professional, and courteous. The work is described as efficient and thorough, with many reviewers noting the friendly and helpful demeanor of the handymen. The service is easy to schedule and pay for, and many customers express their intention to use the service again in the future.


Negative Sentiment Rate

Users expressed significant dissatisfaction with the service due to frequent cancellations and poor customer service. Many reported that professionals either did not show up or arrived unprepared, and rescheduling was often done without customer consent. Additionally, there were numerous complaints about being charged for services not rendered and the difficulty in obtaining refunds. The overall sentiment was that the service was unreliable and not worth the hassle.

oCX for Each Topic

  • Ease of Use (22)
  • Service Quality (53)
  • Product Quality (91)
  • Delivery Time (75)
  • Delivery Process (67)
  • Product Price (5)
The statistics and information provided on this page offer a general overview. For more detailed insights and statistics on specific subcategories, we invite you to download the comprehensive report.

Customer Reviews

Topic: Delivery Time and Service Quality

Carlos arrived on time, even a little early and finished all of my projects with 7 minutes to spare. He is very professional and each project was completed well. The appointment process was very easy.

Rating: 5/5

Topic: Product Price

Handy charged me $10 more than I agreed to pay and then refused to refund the overcharge. Dishonest company.

Rating: 1/5

Topic: Ease of Use

Very easy to use. Quality professionals. My new favorite place to find service professionals.
Rating: 5/5