
Customer Experience Snapshot

oCX Score

The oCX (Observational Experience) score is a metric that evaluates customer experience without using traditional surveys. It leverages AI to analyze unsolicited text comments from social media, review sites, and other online platforms, predicting customer sentiment and likelihood of recommendation on a scale of 0 to 10.


Positive Sentiment Rate

Customers consistently praise the fast and reliable shipping, noting that products arrive promptly and in excellent condition. Many reviews highlight the ease of the shopping process, competitive pricing, and accurate order fulfillment. Overall, customers are very satisfied with the timely delivery and quality of the products.


Negative Sentiment Rate

Customers reported significant issues with order fulfillment and customer service. Complaints included receiving wrong or incomplete items, delays in shipping, and lack of communication or resolution from customer service. Many customers were frustrated with the refund process and felt ignored or deceived by the company.

oCX for Each Topic

  • Ease of Use (68)
  • Service Quality (57)
  • Product Quality (86)
  • Delivery Time (75)
  • Delivery Process (22)
  • Product Price (82)
The statistics and information provided on this page offer a general overview. For more detailed insights and statistics on specific subcategories, we invite you to download the comprehensive report.

Customer Reviews

Topic: Service Quality

Understanding. Quick service to correct the issue.

Rating: 5/5

Topic: Product Quality

Quality product. Fast shipping

Rating: 5/5

Topic: Delivery Process

The delivery got stolen from the front desk after UPS delivered the package at the front unlocked door of the apartment. I had to reorder the tools because of that.
Rating: 1/5