
Customer Experience Snapshot

oCX Score

The oCX (Observational Experience) score is a metric that evaluates customer experience without using traditional surveys. It leverages AI to analyze unsolicited text comments from social media, review sites, and other online platforms, predicting customer sentiment and likelihood of recommendation on a scale of 0 to 10.


Positive Sentiment Rate

Users enjoy the convenience of shopping online, highlighting the ease of ordering and the availability of great deals. They appreciate the fast shipping options, including 2-hour delivery, and the friendly customer service. Some users mention the app’s functionality could be improved, but overall, they are satisfied with the online shopping experience.


Negative Sentiment Rate

Customers are highly frustrated with the app’s payment system, which frequently rejects valid card information and fails to process orders. Many users report that the app empties their cart, times out, and does not sync accurately with store inventory. The checkout process is described as a nightmare, with multiple errors and a lack of clear instructions. Overall, the app’s poor functionality makes it difficult for users to complete their purchases, leading to significant dissatisfaction.

oCX for Each Topic

  • Ease of Use (8)
  • Service Quality (52)
  • Product Quality (78)
  • Delivery Time (66)
  • Delivery Process (-12)
  • Product Price (59)
The statistics and information provided on this page offer a general overview. For more detailed insights and statistics on specific subcategories, we invite you to download the comprehensive report.

Customer Reviews

Topic: Ease of Use

The app refuses to accept my card. it constantly glitches saying my address is incorrect but then saying it’s not. Then it says I can’t do delivery when I know I can. the app is a mess and seriously needs to be fixed.

Rating: 2/5

Topic: Product Quality

Best products at the best prices

Rating: 5/5

Topic: Service Quality

Lovely people working here 🙂
Rating: 5/5