
Customer Experience Snapshot

oCX Score

The oCX (Observational Experience) score is a metric that evaluates customer experience without using traditional surveys. It leverages AI to analyze unsolicited text comments from social media, review sites, and other online platforms, predicting customer sentiment and likelihood of recommendation on a scale of 0 to 10.


Positive Sentiment Rate

Reviewers are highly satisfied with the in-store experience and the variety of products available at Ulta. They appreciate the quality of products, frequent deals, and helpful staff. Many mention the convenience of finding everything they need in one place and the excellent customer service they receive.


Negative Sentiment Rate

Users report that the Ulta app frequently fails to load pages, often displaying messages to refresh the page without resolving the issue. Despite attempts to uninstall and reinstall the app, the problems persist. This has rendered the app virtually unusable for many, leading to significant frustration and disappointment. The recurring issues have led some users to abandon the app altogether.

oCX for Each Topic

  • Ease of Use (-23)
  • Service Quality (0)
  • Product Quality (58)
  • Delivery Time (18)
  • Delivery Process (-55)
  • Product Price (39)
The statistics and information provided on this page offer a general overview. For more detailed insights and statistics on specific subcategories, we invite you to download the comprehensive report.

Customer Reviews

Topic: Delivery Time

I bought an item for $35 and it didn’t come and it still hasn’t came

Rating: 1/5

Topic: Delivery Process

I am so irritated as I have been patient waiting for the shipment, it was damaged and shipping and the shipping company discarded it. ULTA re-shipped and now can’t find the re-shipped package. They said it’s stuck in shipping. I have been waiting for days. I’m fed up, I’ve been really patient. I’m gonna fight this on my credit card, I’m a good customer and I do not appreciate any of this.

Rating: 1/5

Topic: Service Quality

It has everything I need and the service is amazing
Rating: 5/5